MapLink™ Procedures | Special Permit Uses

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Special Permit Uses
General provisions.
All special permit uses shall be deemed to be permitted principal uses in the district in which they are located, subject, however, to the additional standards of this section and such additional conditions and safeguards deemed necessary to eliminate, insofar as possible, any condition which would adversely affect the development of the district for the other permitted principal uses specified for it.

Application and issuance.
A. All applications for the use of a lot for a special permit use shall be referred to and acted upon by the Town Board. Such application shall be accompanied by a detailed plan, a letter of intent and such other exhibits as are required by the Town Board to clearly indicate the proposed use, its location on the lot, the size and bulk of all structures and the location of vehicular ways, parking lots and all pertinent facilities. The Town Board may hold a public hearing on such application.

B. A special permit, when granted, may include any specified additional conditions and safeguards deemed necessary by the Town Board to carry out the purpose and intent of this chapter in the sole and absolute discretion of the Town Board. The Town Board may refer to the Planning Board for study and recommendations.

Standards for all special permit uses.
The standards for all special permit uses shall be:
A. The lot area, width and depth shall be such as to minimize the adverse effect of the use on adjoining property.
B. The extent, bulk and yard setbacks of buildings and/or structures shall be such as to maintain the overall character of the district.
C. The routing and parking of vehicles shall be such as to minimize hazard to street traffic and pedestrians.
D. Off-street parking shall be provided in accordance with § 120-53: Parking requirements.
See Article VI: Special Permit Uses for complete information on special permit uses.