MapLink™ Procedures

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Special Permits
Cluster Residential Developments Cluster residential developments of one-family dwellings may be permitted in the R-A and R-1 Residential Districts. Show Less Show More Excavations Excavation operations may be permitted in districts of the Town. Show Less Show More Farms, Fowl and Poultry "Animals" are defined as fowl and hoofed animals such as cows, horses, pigs, sheep, goats and similar species as determined by the Town Board. Show Less "Animals" are defined as fowl and hoofed animals such as cows, horses, pigs, sheep, goats and similar species as determined b... Show More Mobile Home Courts All mobile home court applications shall be in accordance with and governed by the procedures herein. Show Less Show More Oil and Natural Gas Wells If the proposed drilling for oil and gas wells is within the "zone of contribution" to the Holland Aquifer, the applicant shall provide pre- and post-construction testing. Show Less If the proposed drilling for oil and gas wells is within the "zone of contribution" to the Holland Aquifer, the applicant sha... Show More Planned Business Areas Planned business areas will be allowed by special use permit in the General Business and Highway Business Districts. Show Less Show More Planned Unit Development Planned unit developments may be permitted in the R-A Rural Residential and Agriculture District. Show Less Show More Restricted Business and Industrial Uses Business and industrial uses may be permitted with a special use permit in R-A, GB, HB and M Districts. Show Less Show More Sand- and Gravel Pits, Rock Quarries and Ponds The excavation or quarrying, stockpiling and sale of sand, gravel, rock, shale, clay or other natural mineral deposits (except topsoil) may be permitted in a C-OS or R-A District if approved by special permit. Show Less The excavation or quarrying, stockpiling and sale of sand, gravel, rock, shale, clay or other natural mineral deposits (excep... Show More Special Permit Uses A use requiring the additional standards and approval are provided herein. Show Less Show More