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Select a zoning district to see the land uses that are allowed and what standards apply.
GB  General Business District 
HB  Highway Business District 
M  Manufacturing and Industrial District 
R-1  Medium-Density Residence District 
R-2  Medium-Density Residence District 
R-A  Rural Residential and Agriculture District 

Next - Select a land use
Select a land use to see where it can be located along with standards that apply.
Bed-and-breakfasts Clear

Next - Select a district

GB  General Business District 
R-1  Medium-Density Residence District 
There are no districts associated with the selected land use.
Select a district from the menu.
GB  General Business District
R-1  Medium-Density Residence District
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Show my Location on the Map - BETA

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We're sorry. Your location is not within a municipality that has a ZoningHub site.
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Be sure to verify your location. Your actual location may be anywhere inside of the marker circle.
Opportunity Sites
The _______ has a number of properties that are ready for development, some of which are highlighted here.

Whether you want to expand an existing business or open a new one, we would welcome the opportunity to meet with you to help you evaluate potential options. We may be able to leverage some tools to help.

If you would like to see a property posted on our site, please contact _______ , title          , to get more details. She / he can be reached at (___) ___-___ during normal office hours or via email.  (add email hyperlink)
Details for Selected Property
Zoning District(s)
This property is not located in any zoning districts.
Overlay District(s)
This property is not located in any overlay districts.
Other Map Feature(s)
The districts layer is currently enabled. Enable the parcel layer The parcel layer is currently enabled. Enable the districts layer Not all parcels are displayed. Zoom in to load more.
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